After fighting the flu for a week and still having a nagging cough, I took on my toughest marathon yet. LA had their worst storm in 30 years, record rainfall and all. What was I thinking trying to run in this weather with my cough and all??!!
Well I'd trained for almost 6 months, raised thousands of dollars for cancer patients and research and was dedicating this run to my Grandpa who is battlking cancer so there was no way I was NOT going to do. I laced up my shoe laces and stuffed my running pack full of cough drops and ran....for 26.2 miles without stopping.
Stopping was the worst part! I was numb from being so cold and most of the mile markers had blown away so I had no idea where I was half the time that I ran pretty well! Ended up with my 2nd best time ever!
It was all worth the hurt, to see my Granpas face when I handed him that medal!